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Alyssa –  “One Nd Done” delivers

Musical Poetry from Alyssa

Alyssa –  “One Nd Done” delivers a confident, no-nonsense anthem about self-respect and independence. With a smooth yet assertive tone, Alyssa rejects toxicity and embraces empowerment, reflected in lyrics like cutting off negativity and focusing on her own goals. The production complements her delivery, creating an emotional yet resilient vibe.

The song showcases Alyssa’s ability to blend sharp lyricism with relatable themes, making it both introspective and empowering. Its message resonates as a call for boundaries and self-prioritization, solidifying her as an artist with purpose. Perfect for listeners needing a boost of self-worth. This is why we say Alyssa –  “One Nd Done” delivers!

Alyssa –  “One Nd Done”

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