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Marlon Craft Gets Real On ‘Bad Man’

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(Video Below)

Marlon Craft Gets Real On Bad Man and it is an instant classic. Coming with a little different flavor than his other tracks. His voice and confidence 9 times out of 10 will exude through the beat. This song hits the soul heavy.

So many lines that touch the soul

“Yeah, life just move a lil’ bit quicker to me
Young me, yo, I still ain’t forgive him fully
Oh, beatin’ that down, yo, I been a bully
All the lil’ motherfucker do is ridicule me”

Masterful Lyrical Concepts

“Every breath to my detriment
I feel the truth is so evident”

The flow is always clean

“Habits of survival ingrained
in all these patterns and denials of pain
The inner child, they say
Well, tell me, when will mine go away?”

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Marlon Craft: Website

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