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Remember the name… ovrkast.


ovrkast. is on another level

Ovrkast, a rising lyricist and producer from East Oakland, is reshaping the underground hip-hop scene. With influences from Knxwledge, Earl Sweatshirt, and Flying Lotus, his sound stands out with minimalistic, soulful beats and introspective lyrics. His debut album Try Again (2020) and its deluxe version in 2021 caught the attention of indie rap lovers and earned him collaborations with artists like MAVI and Pink Siifu. Blending jazz-like vibes with hip-hop grit, Ovrkast. creates a unique sonic experience that pushes creative boundaries, making him one of the most exciting new voices in hip-hop today. We posted a video below, but that was even hard to choose because every song is classic level type ish!

Listen to the album, download show overkast. love!

KAST GOT WINGS by Overkast.


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