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Shantel May – Triggered, But Here

Shantel May - Triggered, But Here

That 90’s R&B sound achieved!

Shantel May’s Triggered, But Here serves everything we love about R&B. This project hits with pure confidence, relatable lyrics on love, betrayal, and trust issues—she’s saying what we’ve all felt. It’s a certified “no skips” album; once we hit play, it was vibes all the way through.

Shantel May - Triggered, But Here

Top 5 Songs

Shantel May – Triggered, But Here is an instant classic! ‘Fiend’ for the magical falsetto, ‘The Ex’ with its remix-meets-ballad flow, ‘Dangerous’ featuring Malibu Mitch—a certified hit, ‘Feels Good’ bringing catchy, fun vibes, and ‘5 Minutes’—a duo vibe we didn’t know we needed. Honorable mentions? ‘Stay,’ ‘The Hard Way,’ and ‘Better Off.’The full album is worth a listen!

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